Address of ESU-services
You can contact ESU-services for all questions related to LCA consulting under the details provided on this page. Further administrative documents for offers can also find under a subpage.
Office of ESU in Schaffhausen
ESU-services Ltd.
Vorstadt 10
CH-8200 Schaffhausen
info(at) (General inquiries regarding LCA consulting, data and review)
UID: CHE-112.959.660
Commercial registry by the canton of Schaffhausen: CHE-112.959.660
VAT number Switzerland: 649 962
Regional SimaPro Centre Switzerland / Germany / Austria / Liechtenstein - LCA software, training and coaching
phone: +41 44 940 61 35
simapro(at) (contact for LCA software, training and coaching)
The team of ESU-services Ltd. consists of the following people:
Niels Jungbluth Chief Executive Officer (CEO) (Mo-Fr) | +41 44 940 61 32 |
Christoph Meili Project manager (Mo-We) | +41 44 940 61 35 |
Maresa Bussa Project manager (Tu-Fr) | +41 44 940 61 35 |
Angelo Stefanel Project manager (Mo-Th) | +41 44 940 61 02 |
Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Former staff members of ESU-services
- Jasmin Annaheim
- Sybille Büsser
- Genevieve Doublet
- Martina Eberhart
- Simon Eggenberger
- Mireille Faist-Emmenegger
- Karin Flury
- Rolf Frischknecht
- Rene Itten
- Regula Keller
- Alex König
- Marianne Leuenberger
- Nadia Malinverno
- Karen Muir
- Amélie Orthlieb
- Savian Scanu
- Salome Schori
- Samuel Solin
- Roland Steiner
- Matthias Stucki
- Matthias Tuchschmid
- Martin Ulrich
- Paula Wenzel