ESU-services has more than 25 years experience in life cycle inventory analysis and transparent documentation
Reliable and transparent Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data are the backbone of every good Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). At ESU-services Ltd. we are specialized in elaborating high quality life cycle inventories with a fully transparent documentation. We provided 1000 out of 4000 unit process data sets for the ecoinvent database. Further, we elaborated a range of further and updated datasets, which can be downloaded free of charge. Our ESU database services covers thousands of further LCI datasets in the EcoSpold or SimaPro format, which are sold on demand. The data can be imported to different LCA software such as SimaPro, Gabi, openLCA, etc. When desired, we collect and analyse detailed LCI data for your studies. Several formats can be used for the import and export of such data. More detailed information about contents and prices of data sets for sale can be found at our database description. Furthermore, you can find some abstracts of working examples. More information about the databases used for our projects can be found in a description of LCI data for download.
Leading projects on database development and LCA research
Life cycle Assessment and analyses requires efficient aids to processing large data sets. For developing central computer science solutions for large firms and research institutions, we offer on the one hand technical and contentwise know-how. On the other hand, we provide also project management and - within situation - also mediation services. The enterprise co-operates with proven computer science specialists with large LCA-experience.
25 years experience in LCI modelling for oil and gas extraction: developments and challenges in updating LCI data
Presentation of Niels Jungbluth during the DF 84 – LCA development – Did we forget about data? Challenges and needs
Overview on offers for life cycle inventory data and emission factors by ESU-services
- Abstracts of life cycle inventory projects
Life Cycle Assessment for Vanadium Pentoxide (V2O5) from Secondary Resources The first part of this study provides general information about vanadium production. The reserves, production volumes and uses are described. The chapter provides also an overview of the major companies in the market. The environmental impacts of vanadium pentoxide production from secondary resources are investigated
- ecoinvent database – Swiss LCA data since 30 years
The ecoinvent database is the world leading life cycle inventory data source with several thousand users in more than 40 countries. The ecoinvent data are used in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), Carbon footprint (CF), Integrated Product Policy (IPP), Life Cycle Management (LCM), Design for Environment (DfE), ecolabelling, ecodesign and many other
- Public LCI background data in EcoSpold format
ESU provides life cycle assessment (LCA) reports and life cycle inventory (LCI) datasets which are made available free of charge by different authors. The data have been developed in different publicly or privately funded projects. With these data, the ecoinvent v2.2 or later version published by KBOB or FOEN can be updated and extended. ESU
- ESU database – based on Swiss FOEN background data
The ecoinvent v2.2 data according to the attributional methodology have been published in 2010. Several updates are available for free on our webpage. ESU-services has discovered numerous errors in the version v2.2 and corrected them. We have updated certain datasets such as operation of transport devices in order to allow the assessment of noise. Furthermore,
- LCA background data and emission factors
The collection of life cycle inventory (LCI) data can be time-consuming and demanding. ESU-services offers several data for life cycle assessment as well as emission factors for single indicators in electronic format in order to facilitate this work. Several customers already use this opportunity and use our data tailored to their demand. All datasets are elaborated
- ESU World Food Database – LCIs for LCA of nutrition
ESU-services Ltd. is specialized in elaborating high quality life cycle inventories with a fully transparent documentation. The Worldwide LCA food database covers more than 2500 transparent life cycle inventories (LCI) related to agriculture, food processing and consumption activities. Features and format All data are documented in the electronic EcoSpold v1 format. The documentation of unit
Sometimes the data you need for your LCA model might not be readily available in the background libraries. ESU-services collaborates with several institutions in order to provide our customers LCI data necessary for their studies. Therefore, we provide the following databases in collaboration with partners. Please contact us directly for further information how to purchase
Customers using our inventory data, emission factors and intensities
Our life cycle inventory data is used worldwide by more than a hundred different customers for life cycle assessments and CO2 footprint calculations.