Development and application in Switzerland, Germany and Japan
The ecological scarcity method has been refined by ESU-services. It allows the assessment of total environmental impacts and summarizes them as eco-points in a life cycle assessment. The life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) method can be used for products and services.
Germany 2014 – Implementation in SimaPro available
The eco-factors for Germany are documented in a book, but so far they were not available electronically. ESU-services now implemented the German ecological scarcity method in SimaPro according to “Ahbe, S., L. Schebek, et al. (2014). Methode der ökologischen Knappheit für Deutschland – Eine Initiative der Volkswagen AG, Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, Berlin”. The CSV-file with this method is sold by ESU-services for SimaPro users interested to apply this LCIA method in their case studies.
Switzerland 2013
ESU-services was contracted to establish the next update with the reference year 2013. The update for the method has been released in 2014. ESU-services can also provide all transport data necessary to include noise as an environmental impact in calculations with the ecoinvent v2.2 data.
Japan 2012
Recent discussions and debates of biomass utilization in Japan necessitate conducting life cycle assessment (LCA). There are no impact assessment methods suitable for the assessment of agricultural production and biomass utilization in Japan from a comprehensive perspective. In 2004 eco-factors for Japan (JEPIX) were calculated based on the former version of Swiss ecological scarcity 1998. The adapted version did not take into account, for example, ammonium and nitrate emissions, which are crucial in assessing agricultural production and biomass utilization. The existing Japanese eco-factors are completed and updated according to the method of ecological scarcity 2006. This work was in part supported by a grant from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (Rural Biomass Research Project, BUM-Ca2300).
Switzerland 2006
The update of the life cycle impact assessment method Swiss ecological scarcity (eco-points 2006) was finalized in 2008. With the help of the project management and experts from the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and members of the Swiss association of environmentally conscious business (öbu), ESU-services was able to substantially improve the applicability and flexibility of the methodological concept and to update the eco-factors to the actual state of the environment and environmental legislation. Furthermore, the method was extended to key environmental impacts such as water scarcity. The ecological scarcity method was the first end-point impact assessment method including water footprint.
The actual publication describes the derivation of eco-factors taking into account actual emissions and resource uses on one hand as well as Swiss political goals and internationally agreed emission targets supported by Switzerland on the other.
Methodological approach
The ecological scarcity method weights environmental impacts - pollutant emissions and resource consumption - by applying "eco-factors". The eco-factor of a substance is derived from environmental law or corresponding political targets. The more the current level of emissions or consumption of resources exceeds the environmental protection target set, the greater the eco-factor becomes, expressed in eco-points (EP). An eco-factor is essentially derived from three elements (in accordance with ISO Standard 14044): characterisation, normalisation and weighting.
Characterisation captures the relative harmfulness of a pollutant emission or resource extraction vis-à-vis a reference substance within a given impact category (global warming potential, acidification potential, radioactivity etc.). Normalisation quantifies the contribution of a unit of pollutant or resource use to the total current load/pressure in a region (in this case the whole of Switzerland) per year.Weighting expresses the relationship between the current pollutant emission or resource consumption (current flow) and the politically determined emission or consumption target (critical flow).
The eco-factors established with this approach are then multiplied with the cumulative emissions and resource uses calculated in the life cycle inventory analysis. The method may be used for product comparisons, for process and product improvements, for the assessment of total environmental impacts of production sites or of the final consumption in a country.
Does the approach on weighting in the Swiss ecological scarcity method allow a consistent evaluation? Discuss Grouping as an influencing factor. Presentation by Meili, Christoph; Jungbluth, Niels during 72nd LCA Forum - Normalization and weighting: The forgotten theme in LCA
Applications in Switzerland
The method is used in the Biofuels Life Cycle Assessment Ordinance and has first been used in an LCA of several biofuel options in Switzerland. A recent article in Science referred to this application as a new groundbreaking option. Based on this application the verification procedure for tax exemption of biofuels has been developed.
Most LCA practitioners in Switzerland use the ecological scarcity method in at least some of their studies. The following organisations published LCAs using the ecological scarcity method:
- agroscope (environmental report)
- Carbotech (biomaterials)
- Doka life cycle assessment (eco-factors noise)
- Gammarus (restaurant)
- E2 Management Consulting AG (key figures for companies)
- EMPA (Agrofuels, coffee capsules)
- ESU-services Ltd. (food production and consumption, energy systems)
- ETH Zürich (vegetables)
- INFRAS (environmental report)
- myClimate (consumer goods)
- Paul Scherrer Institut - PSI (electric mobility)
- sinum (financial services)
Eco-factors are used in case studies for a wide range of different customers such as associations, authorities, NGO's and companies such as:
- Swiss Federal Offices, e.g. for roads, for the environment, of civil aviation, for buildings and logistics, for energy and for agriculture (FEDRO, FOEN, FOCA, FOBL, OFEN, FOAG)
- National organizations such as e.g. Koordinationskonferenz der Bau- und Liegenschaftsorgane der öffentlichen Bauherren (KBOB) and eco-bau
- City administrations from Zurich, Basle, Luzerne, etc..
- Companies such as Baer, Coop, CS, ewz, Geberit, Knecht und Müller, McDonalds, Migros, Post, Raiffeisen, SBB, UBS
- NGO's such as WWF Switzerland, Climatop, VUE
In an ESU study the total environmental impacts of Swiss consumption and production was quantified for the first time using the ecological scarcity method 2006.
International applications
There is a rising international interest in the application and development of the ecological scarcity approach. ESU-services developed ecological scarcity Japan in the framework of a biofuels research programme. Adaptations to other countries such as Jordan are available too.
An LCA case study on beverage cups made from fossil and bio-plastics to be used during the EURO 2008 was comissioned by a group of cities and national authorities from Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
The European research institute DG-JRC in Ispra recommends the ecological scarcity approach for the assessment of water use and radioactive emissions as mid-point indicators in LCIA. The study has been carried out by leading European LCIA experts.
The following documents are available for download:
- A paper and slides of a presentation that summarizes the main new features of the life cycle impact assessment methodology.
- The full report has been published on the homepage of FOEN. Now also available as an English version.
- The report regarding the assessment of water consumption of fuels with ecological scarcity 2006
- Characterisation factors of the midpoint LCIA method "resource depletion, water" recommended by DG-JRC, IEA, available in csv format (suited for SimaPro import)
- Characterisation factors of the midpoint LCIA method "ionising radiation, human health" recommended by DG-JRC, IEA, available in csv format (suited for SimaPro import)
- Characterisation factors for the Ecological Scarcity Japan, available in csv format (suited for SimaPro import)
All files are provided without liability.
- Frischknecht R., Büsser Knöpfel S., Flury K. and Stucki M. (2013) Ökofaktoren Schweiz 2013 gemäss der Methode der ökologischen Knappheit: Methodische Grundlagen und Anwendung auf die Schweiz. Umwelt-Wissen Nr. 1330. treeze und ESU-services GmbH im Auftrag des Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU), Bern.
- Büsser S., Frischknecht R., Kono J. Hayashi K. 2012: The Ecological Scarcity Japan. ESU-services, Uster
- Frischknecht et al. (2012) Assessment of Rice Cultivation with Ecological Scarcity Japan. Ecobalance conference paper 2012, Yokohama, Japan, November 21-23, 2012
- Download Japanese impact factors as .csv for import into SimaPro
- Frischknecht R, Buesser S, Hayashi K and Uchida (2010) Development of Ecological Scarcity Japan. ecobalance conference
- Frischknecht, R., Steiner, R., Jungbluth, N. 2009: The Ecological Scarcity Method - Eco-Factors 2006: A method for impact assessment in LCA. Umwelt-Wissen Nr. 0906. Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), Bern.
- Frischknecht, R., Steiner, R., Jungbluth, N. 2009: Methode der ökologischen Knappheit - Ökofaktoren 2006.Methode für die Wirkungsabschätzung in Ökobilanzen. Umwelt-Wissen Nr. 0906. Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU), Bern.
- Frischknecht R., Jungbluth N. and Pfister S. 2009: UBP-Bewertung für den Wasserbedarf von Treibstoffen. ESU-services, Uster, im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Umwelt (BAFU), Bern, CH.
- Frischknecht, R., Steiner, R., Jungbluth, N. 2008: Methode der ökologischen Knappheit - Ökofaktoren 2006. Öbu SR No. 28/2008, Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU), ÖBU Schweizerische Vereinigung für ökologisch bewusste Unternehmungsführung, Zürich und Bern.