At the Life Cycle Innovation Conference 2024 in Berlin, we gave an insight into our work on the Environmental Impacts of Water Consumption. Here you can find the recording of the presentation.
Publications comparing tap water and bottled water in an LCA
Christoph Meili, Niels Jungbluth (2024) - Potential environmental impacts of Water Consumption: A Comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment of Tap Water and Mineral Water in Germany. ESU-services., Presentation at the Life Cycle Innovation Conference in Berlin, 2024.
Christoph Meili, Niels Jungbluth, Savian Scanu, Nadia Malinverno (2023) Ökobilanz von Trinkwasser und Mineralwasser in Deutschland. ESU-services im Auftrag der wvgw Wirtschafts- und Verlagsgesellschaft Gas und Wasser mbH.