Partner Sought Cooperation for European projects
- Short Summary
- Swiss SME with 25 years experience offers life cycle assessment (LCA) to calculate, analyse, compare, reduce, and publish the environmental impacts of products and services. Beside carrying out assessment projects in all sectors like energy, food, building products chemicals, electronics, and others (commercial agreement), they are interested to join Horizon Europe research projects to bring in their work and expertise as they have already experience from past EU funded research projects.
- Full Description
- Life cycle assessment (LCA) measures the environmental impact of a product or service through every phase of its life, from production to waste or recycling. There are many factors like raw materials of the product, production process or means of transportation of the product. This is very complex that’s why the life cycle assessment provides a framework for measuring the environmental impact of a product or service. The goal of an LCA is to calculate, analyse, compare, reduce, publish the environmental impact of a product and helps to facilitate decisions.
The Swiss company is carrying out life cycle assessment in all sectors of the economy like energy, food, building products, chemicals, electronics and others since more than 25 years as its core business is research, consulting, review and training in the field of LCA.
With this the company helps their customers to calculate, analyse, compare, reduce and publish the environmental impacts of their products.
Beside their assessment for specific clients, they have experience in several EU Horizon research projects (e.g. PROFUTURE, SUSMILK) and are interested to join consortia to bring in their work and expertise.With their long-term experience they can guarantee the timely and accurate realisation of all types of LCA related projects, trainings and reviews.
The company is looking for all types of projects and consultancy cooperation in the field of life cycle assessment and is open for commercial agreements with technical assistance and research and development agreements. - Advantages and Innovations
- • LCA case studies for all economic sectors.
• Environmental product and process improvement for developing new technologies.
• Training and lectures for LCA methodology, results and applications.
• Life cycle inventory analysis according to the ecoinvent methodology for large LCA databases.
• Own LCA database for food production and consumption covering all items of average food baskets.
• Critical review according to ISO 14040, 44, 67, EPD verification and validation according to other standards.
• Advice on the development of standards and methodology for life cycle assessment.
• Simplified web tools and Excel parameter models.
• Development of impact assessment methods, e.g. method of ecological scarcity (environmental impact points). - Stage of Development
- Already on the market
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
- Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
- Goal 13: Climate Action
- Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
- Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Expected Role of a Partner
- Producing companies and research institutes developing new products or services, which are interested to know and improve their environmental performance or to benchmark with competing products.
The specific area of activity of the partner:
Industry, research, NGOs, governmental institutions.The tasks to be performed by the partner sought:
Provide input-output data or balance of materials (BOM) for the processes and products for which they would like to know about the environmental impacts.