Partner in different European Research Projects in FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020
ESU-services Ltd. is a Swiss SME (small and medium enterprise) based Schaffhausen. We collaborated in several European Research (EU) research projects. Feel free to contact us if you search an experienced environmental consultancy in the field of life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle costing (LCC), social life cycle assessment (SLCA), inventory data (LCI), carbon footprint (CO2-footprint), energy analysis, product environmental footprint (PEF) or organizational environmental footprint (OEF). Download our EU research Partner Profile with more information. In the past we received funding for several projects from different European Union’s Programmes for research, technological development and demonstration
Ongoing EU research projects
The EU research project aims for the production of superior meat analogues by bridging the benefits of plant proteins and mycelium protein biomass produced from circular substrates (PLANTOMYC). The goal of the transformative project is to revolutionize the alternative protein sector by combining the benefits of plant-based food sources with the functional and sensory advantages of mycelial biomass. We’re excited to develop innovative, minimally processed hybrid meat analogues that are not only sustainable but also delicious. ️
Finazlized EU research projects
ESU-services contributed to different EU projects in the past.
Microalgae Protein-Rich Ingredients for the Food And Feed of the Future (2019-2023). ProFuture aimed to set the basis for market uptake of innovative, healthy and sustainable food and feed products made from algae. ESU-services supported the identification and implementation of innovative technologies. Therefore, we conducted environmental life cycle assessment and life cycle costing calculations. Algae protein can today already be better than animal-based proteins. But, further improvements are necessary to make algae competitive with plant-based proteins for food and fodder. Therefore, especially improvements in the electricity consumption and provision are necessary.
Re-design of the dairy industry for sustainable milk processing (2013-2016). The aim of the project was to initialize a change within the process chain for market milk and milk products to minimize energy and water consumption. Furthermore it established the use of renewable energy resources. The whole project includes the development of technical components, their installation and testing at partner dairies of all sizes. Furthermore it included a process simulation of a “green dairy”. ESU-services was responsible for the the life cycle assessment (LCA) of the technologies.
HarmoniSed ENvironmental Sustainability in the European food and drink chain (2012-2015). ESU-services elaborated the life cycle assessment for fruit juices, milk and beef in different European regions. Furthermore, the project team developed a simple internet calculator which will allow SME in the food sector to calculate the environmental footprint of their products. Therfore the tool allowed cooperations with other companies in the supply chain.
New Energy Externalities Development for Sustainability: Integrated Project including leading institutes in external costs and energy planning. LCA of future energy technologies are compiled that take care of the technological developments in materials production, transports and electricity mixes. ESU-services acted as the central data manager.
Renewable Fuels for Advanced Powertrains: Integrated Project in the 6th framework program: Sustainable Energy Systems. It included major European automobile manufacturers (DaimlerChrysler, Renault, Volkswagen, Volvo). Funded by the European commission with an EC financial contribution of 10 Mio. EUR. ESU-services acts as the central data manager and was responsible for the life cycle assessment of BtL (biomass-to-liquid) fuels developed in the course of the project. The LCA has been reviewed according to ISO 14040ff.
Environmental and Ecological Life Cycle Inventories for present and future Power Systems in Europe: The general objective of the project is to overcome current limitations of the use of Life Cycle Inventories (LCI) for energy modelling and planning and other uses. Project results will increase the credibility, diffusion and exploitation of LCI as a support tool for energy modelling and planning and other applications.