Providing reliable and up-to-date background LCI data for LCA
High quality and well documented background data are a prerequisite for any LCA and carbon footprint study. ESU-services is specialized in analysing life cycle inventories (LCI) with a fully transparent documentation.
Analysis, documentation and calculation of background data
About 900 out of 4000 unit process data sets have been provided for the ecoinvent database. The project database of ESU services covers several thousands of further of life cycle inventories in the EcoSpold or SimaPro format. When desired, we collect and analyse detailed LCI-data for your studies. Several formats can be used for the import and export of such data. More detailed information about contents and prices of data sets for sale can be found at our database description.
Such extensively documented information is not always required. We therefore also sell emission factors and CO2 intensities for the simple calculation of a CO2 footprint, for example. You can choose from a list of available data sets and then receive these factors as an Excel table to carry out your own calculations.
We also distribute databases from partners such as CarbonMinds or Social Hotspot Database to support our customers. We also make information on environmental parameters from EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations) available electronically for SimaPro.
References of high-quality LCI's documented by ESU-services
- ecoinvent data v2.0 (database development, energy systems and other background data)
- ecoinvent data v2.2+ available for free (e.g. biofuels)
- ecoinvent v3.8 and later (oil and gas)
- CarbonMinds database (oil and gas)
- Energy and electricity
- Nourishment & food consumption
- Beverages
- Agricultural products
- Biofuels, Biomaterials and biomass resources
- Photovoltaics
- Chemicals
- Semiconductor Metals
- Gold & Silver
- Holidays (accommodation, activities (skiing, etc), cruises)