Environmental impacts of energy extraction and consumption
Since the early nineties, staff members of ESU-services contribute to the environmental assessment of energy systems based on life cycle assessment. Long-term experience with the pioneering work on “Oekoinventare von Energiesystemen”, decorated with the ABB energy technology award, with the internationally leading ecoinvent database and with large European projects such as ECLIPSE, NEEDS and RENEW make ESU-services the first address in Switzerland when it comes to fair and unbiased LCA of today’s and future energy systems.
The environmental impacts, expressed with the recent update of the ecological scarcity method, are lowest with hydropower, waste incineration and wind power. The environmental impacts of nuclear power are at more than twice as high as electricity from wood or biogas.
ESU-services has also developed web tools to calculate the environmental impacts of your own mix of electricity or district heat and of various transport services.
Presentation about the LCI data for crude oil and natural gas extraction
At the Life Cycle Innovation Conference 2024 in Berlin, insight into our work on the LCI data for crude oil and natural gas extraction was given. Find below the recording of the presentation.
Selected Publications for LCA of energy systems
See also our full list of publications related to energy systems.
Christoph Meili, Niels Jungbluth, Maresa Bussa (2024) Use of a dynamic archetype model to provide consistent, country-specific life cycle inventory data for crude oil and natural gas extraction. ESU-services Ltd., Presentation at Life Cycle innovation conference in Berlin, 2024.
Niels Jungbluth, Christoph Meili, Maresa Bussa (2021) LCI of methane emissions linked to oil and gas production. ESU-services Ltd., Presentation for Workshop organized by Plastics Europe.
Niels Jungbluth, Christoph Meili (2018) Update of the life cycle inventory data for crude oil and mineral oil products. SETAC Europe 24th LCA Symposium in Vienna, Software, tools and databases (II), Monday September 24th, 2018
Jungbluth N., Meili C. and Wenzel P. (2018) Update of LCI data for crude oil and mineral oil products (ongoing). ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BFE, BAFU, Erdöl-Vereinigung, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Meili C. and Jungbluth N. (2018) Life cycle inventories of crude oil extraction. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BFE, BAFU, Erdöl-Vereinigung, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Meili C., Jungbluth N. and Wenzel P. (2018) Life cycle inventories of long distance transport of crude oil. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BFE, BAFU, Erdöl-Vereinigung, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Jungbluth N., Meili C. and Wenzel P. (2018) Life cycle inventories of oil refinery processing and products. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BFE, BAFU, Erdöl-Vereinigung, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Jungbluth N. and Meili C. (2018) Life cycle inventories of oil products distribution. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BFE, BAFU, Erdöl-Vereinigung, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Jungbluth N., Wenzel P. and Meili C. (2018) Life Cycle Inventories of oil heating systems. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BFE, BAFU, Erdöl-Vereinigung, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.