Critical review, verification, project managment, inventory analysis
Niels Jungbluth is since 2006 owner and managing director of ESU-services Ltd.. He conducts critical reviews and validation according to different standards for case studies and inventory data. Niels is listed as an approved individual verifier for the international EPD® System and IBU-Bau. He can also work for other EPD systems like PEP or KBOB. Niels Jungbluth is in the editorial board of the “Int. Journal of LCA” and in the board of the LCA foods conference.

Niels started working with ESU-services in 2000. Since starting with LCA in 1994, he has worked on more than 300 consultancy projects in the areas food, biomass, energy systems, building products, metals, input-output-analysis, sustainable consumption, as well as several other topics.
Niels Jungbluth studied environmental engineering at the Technical University of Berlin. He started working with LCA in 1994 and prepared his diploma thesis during a six-month stay at the TATA Energy Research Institute in New Delhi, where he carried out a life cycle assessment for cooking fuels in India. Between 1996 and 2000 he worked on a Ph.D. Project at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich at the chair of Natural and Social Science Interface. His Ph.D. thesis on the environmental consequences of food consumption has been awarded the Greenhirn Prize 2000 by the German Öko-Institut. In this thesis, he investigated food consumption patterns by means of life cycle assessment.
tel: +41 44 940 61 32
mail: jungbluth(at)
Degrees: Dr. Sc. Techn. ETH Zurich, Dipl.-Ing. Environmental Engineering, TU Berlin