Niels Jungbluth, LCA expert, manager and owner ESU-services Ltd.
The CV of Niels Jungbluth who is LCA expert, manager and owner of ESU-services Ltd. in Schaffhausen.
Educational Background
- Ph. D. student at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Department of Environmental Sciences, Natural- and Social Science Interface, Zurich, Switzerland. The thesis on Environmental Consequences of Food Consumption won the greenhirn price 1999/2000 of the Öko-Instituts Freiburg
- Studies of Environmental Engineering at the Technical University of Berlin (Germany). Intermediate Examination April 1991. Main Subjects of Studies: Water Purification, Waste Management, Ecology, Environmental Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Environmental Statistics, Water chemistry, Environmental Psychology.
Project thesis "PCB-contaminated Capacitors in Washing-machines from the Eastern Part of Germany"
Diploma thesis "Restricted Life Cycle Assessment for the Use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Kerosene as Cooking Fuels in India". (download)
Graduation as Dipl.-Ing. in Environmental Engineering in December 1995 (the diploma is comparable to the degree of Masters). - Alexander-von-Humboldt-Secondary School, Hamburg-Harburg, Matriculation.
Practical Experience
- Since 2012 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at ESU-services Ltd., Schaffhausen
- 2006–2012 Managing partner at ESU-services Ltd.
- 2000-2005 Project leader at ESU-services, Uster.
- 1.8.1996 to 4.2000 Ph.D. student at the ETH Zurich in 1996. First in the Energy - Materials - Environment Group (ESU) Since 1997 research assistant at the chair of Natural- and Social Science Interface. Working for the Integrated Project Society in the subproject Energy, Greenhouse Gases and Way of Living since August 1996. The Project was financed within the Swiss Priority Programme Environment (SPPU) by the Swiss National Science Foundation and ran from 1996-2000.
- 1996 International Centre for Energy and Environment, Leipzig GmbH, writing of proposals for research projects in different CIS states.
- 1996 Environmental Consult, Berlin. Data compilation, input, analysis and documentation for the computer program Environmental Manual.
- 2.1.1996 to 19.1.1996 German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) mbH, Eschborn ,working contract, data compilation, input, analysis and documentation for the computer program Environmental Manual.
- 1.11.1994 to 24.2.1995 TATA Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, India. Practical Training, Collection of data and information for a Life Cycle Assessment for Cooking with Kerosene and Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
- 17.1.1994 to 18.2.1994 Water Resources Agency, Freiburg im Breisgau, Practical Training, Working Groups Industry and Business, Water Resources, Soil Protection.
- 25.10.1993 to 19.11.1993 Authority for Environment and Nature, Schwerin, Practical Training Assistance for water related notices of approval.
- 12. - 17.9.1993 Working Group Environmental Statistic TU-Berlin (ARGUS), Kulmbach, Assistant, Screening and Registration of Waste Types at a Waste Reloading Station.
- 24.8.1992 to 18.9.1992 Engineering Office AKUT GmbH, Berlin, Practical Training, Environmental Impact Analysis for do-it-yourself products.
- 20.7.1990 to 10.10.1990 Farm in Nicaragua, Project for the Intermediate Examination, Planning and construction of a simple biogas plant for a farm.
- 1991 to 1996 Central Sports Organization of the Technical University in Berlin, Guide for white-water canoe courses for students.
- Research, teaching and consultancies on Life Cycle Assessment, Energy, Biomass, Food, Consumption Patterns, Sustainable Development, Consumer Behaviour, Environmental Management
- Editorial Board and peer reviews for the Int. Journal of LCA, International Dairy Journal, AMBIO, Journal of Industrial Ecology and other journals
Professional Affiliations
Private Affairs
- My favourite activities are looking for my son, beaver watching, hiking, ski touring, canoeing, swimming and cycling.