Transparent documentation of life cycle inventory (LCI) reports and datasets for public use
ESU provides life cycle assessment (LCA) reports and life cycle inventory (LCI) datasets which are made available free of charge by different authors. The data have been developed in different publicly or privately funded projects. With these data, the ecoinvent v2.2 or later version published by KBOB or FOEN can be updated and extended. ESU offers also a full SimaPro database including all updates shown on this page.
The data are provided in EcoSpold v1 format. This format can be imported to different LCA software. All data are elaborated according to the ecoinvent v2.2 guidelines. The unit process raw data are linked to existing ecoinvent v2.2 datasets. For datasets and reports marked with an asterisk (*) an external validation is pending.
Some of the reports are authored by companies other than ESU-services Ltd. Please contact the authors directly via the given links in case of further questions.
Please contact us if you wish to publish own data on this web page.
Data formats
The following type of data formats are available:
- EcoSpold v1: Data in XML format that can be imported to different software products or transformed to Excel and html with the EcoSpoldAccess software
- EcoSpold v1 for SimaPro: Includes a mapping file and tested for import to SimaPro. Please note that some data use elementary flows which are not available in the newest SimaPro versions. It might be necessary to apply the AppendSubstances802 after importing.
- SimaPro CSV: CSV data that can be directly imported to SimaPro software.
- SimaPro database: Database that can be directly opened in SimaPro software and imported in other databases.
- Gabi: data that can be directly imported to the Gabi software
- Excel: Further information or data available in Excel format
- PDF: LCI report with a detailed description of data sources.
- OpenLCA: data have been integrated in this software and are available directly via Nexus
Important note for import of data to SimaPro
Some data provided on this page have not been exported from the newest version of the SimaPro software. This is especially relevant for the nomenclature of elementary flows, which might have been changed in the meantime. Please check while importing if there are new substances added to SimaPro. If the import overview shows substances to be added than ...
- Save the import overview.
- Run the latest append file provided with your last update of SimaPro (Copying append data to the mapping is not possible).
- After appending, please check if any of the new substances are left out of the append process.
Liability and Copyright
The information has been compiled or arrived from sources believed to be reliable. Nevertheless, the authors or ESU-services do not accept liability for any loss or damage arising from the use thereof. Using the given information is strictly your own responsibility. It is always recommended making a backup of LCI databases before importing the data.
All content provided on this page including the download links is copyrighted. Such information must not be copied or distributed, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of all authors and the company who elaborated the data. A provision of reports or of files on other websites is not permitted.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
List of available data and reports
Crude oil and natural gas provision in Switzerland and Europe (2021)
Please note that updates of these datasets are documented in reports available under the publications for energy sector.
About 211 datasets for crude oil and natural gas extraction and transportation have been updated or investigated newly in a project financed by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and the Verband der Schweizer Gasindustrie (VSG). Data are updated and extended for the following stages:
- Crude oil and natural gas production onshore/offshore/mix
- Crude oil, at long-distance pipeline (for all producing countries and Swiss/European Mix)
- Natural gas import mix and transport in high- and low-pressure network (for all producing countries and Swiss/European Mix)
Life cycle inventory analysis reports available:
- Christoph Meili, Niels Jungbluth, Maresa Bussa (2021) Life cycle inventories of crude oil and natural gas extraction. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BAFU & VSG, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
- Maresa Bussa, Niels Jungbluth, Christoph Meili (2021) Life cycle inventories for long-distance transport and distribution of natural gas. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BAFU & VSG, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
- Christoph Meili, Niels Jungbluth, Maresa Bussa (2021) Life cycle inventories of long-distance transport of crude oil. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BAFU & VSG, Schaffhausen, Switzerland
The data were validated by Axel Liebich and Daniel Münter (ifeu – Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH). A validation report is available.
- Axel Liebich, Daniel Münter, Sabrina Ludmann, Thomas Fröhlich (2021) Validation of LCI data and reports of the project “Update of life cycle inventory data for natural gas and crude oil supply to Switzerland and Europe with the reference year 2019”. ifeu – Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH, on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN).
Download the XML data:
- LCI oil XML data in EcoSpold v1: includes EcoSpold v1 data and a mapping file for import to the UVEK database. Please import in a first step the updates made in 2018 and shown below. Depending on the database version you use, changes to process names might be necessary before importing.
Last update 14.7.2021
Crude oil and mineral oil products (2018)
About 140 datasets for crude oil and mineral oil products have been updated in a project commissioned by Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and the Erdöl-Vereinigung (now Avenergy) Switzerland. Data are investigated for the following stages:
- Crude oil, at production (for 8 countries)
- Crude oil, at long-distance pipeline (for all producing countries and Swiss/European Mix)
- Refining of crude oil in Swiss and European refineries and production of several mineral oil products
- Distribution to end user including blending with biofuels
- Heating with fuel oils
Life cycle inventory analysis reports available:
- Jungbluth N., Meili C. and Wenzel P. (2018) Life cycle inventories of oil refinery processing and products. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BFE, BAFU, Erdöl-Vereinigung, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
- Jungbluth N. and Meili C. (2018) Life cycle inventories of oil products distribution. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BFE, BAFU, Erdöl-Vereinigung, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
- Jungbluth N., Wenzel P. and Meili C. (2018) Life cycle inventories of oil heating systems. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BFE, BAFU, Erdöl-Vereinigung, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
The following inventory analysis reports were updated again in 2021 and are now obsolete (see above):
- Meili C. and Jungbluth N. (2018) Life cycle inventories of crude oil extraction. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BFE, BAFU, Erdöl-Vereinigung, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
- Meili C., Jungbluth N. and Wenzel P. (2018) Life cycle inventories of long distance transport of crude oil. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BFE, BAFU, Erdöl-Vereinigung, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
The data were validated by Matthias Stucki and Rene Itten (ZHAW Wädenswil). A validation report is available.
- Stucki M. and Itten R. (2018) Validation report: Crude and mineral oil life cycle inventory datasets. Institute of Natural Resource Sciences, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Wädenswil, on behalf of the Federal Office for the Environment.
Download the data:
- LCI oil XML data in EcoSpold v1: includes EcoSpold v1 data and a mapping file for SimaPro. (Import to ecoinvent v2.2 libraries only, see remark above). Please note that several changes to process names must be made before importing according to the description in the above-mentioned reports.
Last update 28.5.2021
Recycled cotton (2017)
- Wendin M. (2016) Life Cycle Assessment of recycling cotton (mechanically). Miljögiraff comissioned by H&M, Gothenburg, Sweden. Critical review made by Niels Jungbluth, ESU-services.
Download the data:
Last update 6.7.2017
Plant protein products and meals (2016)
- Jungbluth N., Nowack K., Eggenberger S., König A. and Keller R. (2016) Untersuchungen zur umweltfreundlichen Eiweissversorgung – Pilotstudie. ESU-services GmbH für das Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU), Bern, CH.
The following unit process raw data* are included in this update:
- Agricultural production of plant products
- Processing to food products
- Distribution
- Home transport, storage and preparation in the household
Download the data* (Validation is pending):
- Plant protein products XML data in EcoSpold v1: includes EcoSpold v1 data. (For import to ecoinvent v2.2 libraries further background data available from ESU-services according to the description in the report are necessary)
Last update 15.6.2016
Natural gas supply (2012)
- Schori S., Frischknecht R., 2012, Life Cycle Inventory of Natural Gas Supply. ESU-services Ltd., Zürich, CH, commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE.
The following unit process raw data* are included in this update:
- Natural gas, at production (for Norway, Germany, Russia, North Africa, Middle East)
- Natural gas, at long-distance pipeline (for 17 European countries and European Mix)
- Natural gas (supply mix) at high-pressure network (for 17 European countries and European Mix), for Switzerland also at low-pressure network
- Liquefied natural processes: LNG at liquefation, at freight ship and at evaporation plant (origins North Africa, Nigeria and Middle East)
- Natural gas transport processes (pipeline, LNG ship)
- Waste from natural gas production (hazardous and non-hazardous)
Download the natural gas data* (Validation is pending):
- Natural Gas XML data in EcoSpold v1: includes EcoSpold v1 data, a manual for importing, and a mapping file. (Import to ecoinvent v2.2 libraries only, see remark above)
Last update 7.4.2015 (Mapping file added, XML for link to ENTSO mix), 7.7.2014 (Error correction in XML, report not updated)
Electricity mixes and hydro power generation* (2012)
Update and extensions of ecoinvent LCI of electricity mixes (available also in ecoinvent 3.01) and hydroelectric power generation (not yet validated)
- Itten R., Frischknecht R. and Stucki M., 2012, Life Cycle Inventories of Electricity Mixes and Grid. ESU-services Ltd., Zürich, CH.(available in ecoinvent v3.01)
- Flury K. and Frischknecht R., 2012, Life Cycle Inventories of Hydroelectric Power Generation. ESU-services Ltd., Zürich, CH.
The following unit process raw data* are included in this update:
- Updated LCI of hydroelectric power generation (replacing datasets available in ecoinvent data 2.2)
- New LCI of pumped storage power production
- Updated LCI of electricity mixes (replacing datasets available in ecoinvent data 2.2, in ecoinvent v3.01 these LCI data are available)
- Updated LCI of electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure (replacing datasets available in ecoinvent data 2.2, in ecoinvent v3.01 these LCI data are available)
- New LCI of African, American, Asian, Australian and European electricity mixes (including AU, CA, IN, ID, IS, IR, MY, MX, PE, RU, SA, ZA, KR, TW, TZ, TH, TR, UA, TN, LT, LV, EE) (available in ecoinvent v3.01)
- New LCI of global and European (ENTSO) electricity mixes (available in ecoinvent v3.01)
Download the electricity and hydro power update (validation is pending):
- A package CSV for users of the SimaPro software: includes datasets, a manual for importing and a mapping file (Import to ecoinvent v2.2 libraries only) is not available in the moment.
- Updated in 2014: Package EcoSpold v1 for users of the other software (with update for some countries: AT, AU, BA, BE, BR, BG, CA, CL, CN, HR, CZ, DK, EE, EAA, GLO)
Last update 2.7.2014
Solar collector systems (2010)
Update and extensions of ecoinvent LCI of solar thermal collector systems and installations (validated by ecoinvent but not integrated in ecoinvent v3.01)
- Stucki M. and N. Jungbluth, 2010, Update of the Life Cycle Inventories of Solar Collectors, validation for ecoinvent data pending. ESU-services, Zürich, Commissioned by the City of Zurich, CH.
- Package of for users of the SimaPro software: includes EcoSpold v1 datasets, a manual for importing and a mapping file (import to ecoinvent v2.2 libraries only, see remark above)
- Package EcoSpold v1 with all data for users of other software
Last update 12.12.2013 (Error correction in XML, report not updated)
Flooring materials (2012)
- Klingler M., and Savi D., 2012, Ökobilanzen von Bodenbelägen. büro für umweltchemie, Zürich, CH. Comissioned by BAFU, KBOB validated.
The data contain different floorings made from natural and synthetic materials (e.g. parquet, rubber or natural fibre). The disposal of the flooring is also modelled. Further KBOB LCA data on construction materials are available on the website of KBOB and from eco-bau. Download the updated dataset on flooring:
- Package for users of the SimaPro software: includes datasets, a manual for importing and a mapping file (import to ecoinvent v2.2 libraries only, see remark above).
- Package EcoSpold v1 for users of the other software
- EcoSpold v1 for OpenLCA
Last update 23.10.2013
Flexcell amorphous silicon modules (2012)
- Stucki M., Frischknecht R. and Flury K., 2012, Life Cycle Assessment of Flexcell Amorphous Silicon Modules. ESU-services Ltd., Uster, CH, commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE.
The following unit process raw data* are included in this update:
- 150W and 170W Flexcell amorphous silicon modules & feedstock
- Photovoltaic power plants using Flexcell amorphous silcion modules
- Electricity generated with Flexcell amorphous silicon modules in Switzerland and Spain
Download the Flexcell amorphous silicon module data*:
- Package LCI Flexcell amorphous silicon modules users of the SimaPro software: includes EcoSpold v1 data, a manual for importing, and a mapping file. (Import to ecoinvent v2.2 libraries only, see remark above)
- Package EcoSpold v1 for users of other software
Photovoltaics (2012)
- Jungbluth N., Stucki M., Flury K., Frischknecht R. and Buesser S., 2012, Life Cycle Inventories of Photovoltaics. ESU-services Ltd., Uster, CH.
The following unit process raw data* are included in this update:
- Import of single-Si and multi-Si modules from China to Europe
- Updated wafer thickness and sawing gap
- Updated module efficiencies
- Updated LCI of photovoltaic CdTe modules and power plants with CdTe modules
- LCI of Photovoltaic mounting systems for ground mounted installations
- LCI of large photovoltaic installations in Switzerland, Germany, Spain and the USA
- Updated LCI of photovoltaic electricity mixes in selected OECD countries
- LCI of chemicals used in the photovoltaic industry
- Update of PTFE and R-22 datasets
Download the photovoltaic update* (Validation is pending):
- Package LCI photovoltaics for users of the SimaPro software: includes EcoSold v1 datasets, a manual for importing and a mapping file. (Import to ecoinvent v2.2 libraries only, see remark above)
- LCI of chemicals used in the photovoltaic industry for users of the SimaPro software includes EcoSpold v1 datasets, a manual for importing and a mapping file (Import to ecoinvent v2.2 libraries only, see remark above)
- LCI of chemicals used in the photovoltaic industry for users of other software in EcoSpold v1 format
Biogas production from energy crops and purchased substrates (2011)
- Matthias Stucki, Niels Jungbluth, Marianne Leuenberger (2011): Life Cycle Assessment of Biogas Production from Different Substrates. ESU-services Ltd., Uster, commissioned by Bundesamt für Energie, Forschungsprogram Biomasse.
- EcoSpold v1 data for users of the SimaPro software*: includes datasets, a manual for importing and a mapping file. Validation is pending.(Import to ecoinvent 2.2 libraries only, see remark above)
Biogas and compost from biowaste (2011)
- Fredy Dinkel, Mischa Zschokke, Konrad Schleiss (2011) Ökobilanzen zur Biomasseverwertung. Carbotech AG commissioned by Bundesamt für Energie, Forschungsprogram Biomasse, Berne. External review pending. EcoSpold v1 and SimaPro csv data. (Import to ecoinvent v2.2 libraries only, see remark above)
Average recycling paper (2011)
- Thomas Kägi & Emil Franov (2011) Ökobilanz verschiedener grafischer Papiere (confidential). Carbotech AG commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, Berne. External review by Roman Zürcher, FUPS.
- EcoSpold v1 and SimaPro csv data (1 dataset for recycling paper). (Import to ecoinvent v2.2 libraries only, see remark above)
Burning Different Solid Biomass Substrates (2011)
- Itten R., Jungbluth N. and Stucki M. (2011): Life Cycle Assessment of Burning Different Solid Biomass Substrates. ESU-services Ltd., Uster, commissioned by Bundesamt für Energie, Forschungsprogram Biomasse.
- XML data for users of the SimaPro software*: includes datasets, a manual for importing and a mapping file. Validation is pending (Import to ecoinvent v2.2 libraries only, see remark above)
Environmentally extended input-output analysis of Switzerland (2011)
Project and contacts: Environmentally extended input-output analysis of Switzerland
- Jungbluth N., Nathani C., Stucki M., Leuenberger M. 2011: Environmental Impacts of Swiss Consumption and Production. A combination of input-output analysis with life cycle assessment. Commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, Bern. Environmental studies no. 1111: 171 pp.
- The update for SimaPro 7.3.2 provides all data in one new library (it is recommended to use the data for SimaPro which are provided now with the standard database update)
- All XML data in EcoSpold format* (full documentation, not yet validated, import only with additional background data provided by ESU data on demand)
- XML data exported from SimaPro (import to other software e.g. EMIS)
- Allocation of Emissions to Swiss production sectors (electronic annexe to report)
- Ergebnisse zu Treibhausgasemissionen und UBP (electronic annexe to report)
- Excel Table and Tool with an analysis of the results for Swiss finald demand (Auswertung zu den Gesamtbelastungen der Schweiz)
Errata crude oil and natural gas (2010)
Download the corrected ecoinvent LCI of crude oil and natural gas exploration and refinery*:
- Jungbluth N., 2010, Documentation of changes implemented in ecoinvent data v2.2+. ESU-services, Uster, CH.
- XML package of crude oil and natural gas: includes xml files (the multi-output dataset of the refinery cannot be imported directly into SimaPro)
Reports ecoinvent data v2.2 (2010)
Reports for data implemented in ecoinvent data v2.2. Project financed by BAFU, BFE and SBB.Contact for data questions.
- Buesser S. and R. Frischknecht, 2010, Life Cycle Inventory of E85, LPG supply in Switzerland and Biogasmix 2008, implemented in ecoinvent data v2.2 (2010). ESU-services, Uster, CH.
- Leuenberger M. and R. Frischknecht, 2010, Life Cycle Assessment of Battery Electric Vehicles and Concept Cars, implemented in ecoinvent data v2.2 (2010). ESU-services, Uster, CH.
- Leuenberger M. and R. Frischknecht, 2010, Life Cycle Assessment of Swiss Electricity Mixes, implemented in ecoinvent data v2.2 (2010). ESU-services, Uster, CH.
- Leuenberger M. and R. Frischknecht, 2010, Life Cycle Assessment of Two Wheel Vehicles, implemented in ecoinvent data v2.2 (2010). ESU-services, Uster, CH.
- Leuenberger M. and R. Frischknecht, 2010, Life Cycle Assessment of Virtual Mobility, implemented in ecoinvent data v2.2 (2010). ESU-services, Uster, CH.
Biomass-to-liquid fuel production (2007)
Project Homepage and further information
- Jungbluth, N., Frischknecht, R., Faist Emmenegger, M., Steiner, R., Tuchschmid, M. 2007: Life Cycle Assessment of BTL-fuel production: Inventory Analysis. Deliverable: D 5.2.7. Critical Review according to ISO 14040ff
- Jungbluth, N. & Schmutz, S. 2007: Inventory dataset: EcoSpold/Gabi/Excel. Deliverable: D 5.2.9, ESU-services Ltd., Uster.
Find below the LCI that use ecoinvent v1.3 background data in ZIP format. Please note that you need a suitable mapping file if you want to use the data with ecoinvent v2.0 or later. The two scenarios use the same dataset names. Thus, they cannot be used together in one project.
Files for import to SimaPro 7.1 with ecoinvent data v2.01. Please make a backup of your database before importing.
Files for import to GaBi 4.0 with ecoinvent data v1.3.
- Starting point as *.gbx (download with right-click and "save target as..")
- Scenario 1 as *.gbx (download with right-click and "save target as..")