LCA case studies on energy systems, energy ressources and energy use
Blog for the presentation LCI data for oil and gas production over a period of 30 years for the Imperial Network of Excellence in Sustainability through Life Cycle Approaches 28.11.2024.
Christoph Meili; Niels Jungbluth; Maresa Bussa (2024) Life cycle inventories of long-distance transport of crude oil. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by ecoinvent, Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Maresa Bussa; Niels Jungbluth; Christoph Meili (2024) Life cycle inventories for long-distance transport and distribution of natural gas. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by ecoinvent, Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Christoph Meili; Niels Jungbluth; Maresa Bussa (2023) Life cycle inventories of crude oil and natural gas extraction. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by ecoinvent & Carbon Minds, Schaffhausen, Switzerland,
Christoph Meili; Niels Jungbluth; Maresa Bussa (2023) Life cycle inventories of long-distance transport of crude oil. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by ecoinvent & Carbon Minds, Schaffhausen, Switzerland,
Maresa Bussa; Niels Jungbluth; Christoph Meili (2023) Life cycle inventories for long-distance transport and distribution of natural gas. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by ecoinvent, Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Niels Jungbluth, Catarina Rocha (2023) Only 14% of primary energy sources for Swiss end energy consumption are of domestic origin. ESU-services Ltd., Schaffhausen
Christoph Meili; Niels Jungbluth; Maresa Bussa (2022) Life cycle inventories of crude oil and natural gas extraction. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by ecoinvent, Schaffhausen, Switzerland,
Christoph Meili; Niels Jungbluth; Maresa Bussa (2022) Life cycle inventories of long-distance transport of crude oil. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by ecoinvent, Schaffhausen, Switzerland,
Maresa Bussa; Niels Jungbluth; Christoph Meili (2022) Life cycle inventories for long-distance transport and distribution of natural gas. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by ecoinvent, Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Niels Jungbluth, Christoph Meili, Maresa Bussa (2022) LCI of methane emissions linked to oil and gas production. ESU-services Ltd., Online presentation for Workshop organized by Forum for Sustainability through Life Cycle Innovation e.V.
Niels Jungbluth and Martin Ulrich (2022) Origin of primary energy resources for Swiss end energy consumption. ESU-services Ltd., Schaffhausen
Niels Jungbluth, Christoph Meili, Maresa Bussa (2021) LCI of methane emissions linked to oil and gas production. ESU-services Ltd., Presentation for Workshop organized by Plastics Europe.
Christoph Meili, Niels Jungbluth, Maresa Bussa (2021) Life cycle inventories of crude oil and natural gas extraction. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BAFU & VSG, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Maresa Bussa, Niels Jungbluth, Christoph Meili (2021) Life cycle inventories for long-distance transport and distribution of natural gas. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BAFU & VSG, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Christoph Meili, Niels Jungbluth, Maresa Bussa (2021) Life cycle inventories of long-distance transport of crude oil. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BAFU & VSG, Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Meili C. and Jungbluth N. (2018) Life cycle inventories of crude oil extraction. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BFE, BAFU, Erdöl-Vereinigung, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Meili C., Jungbluth N. and Wenzel P. (2018) Life cycle inventories of long distance transport of crude oil. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BFE, BAFU, Erdöl-Vereinigung, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Jungbluth N., Meili C. and Wenzel P. (2018) Life cycle inventories of oil refinery processing and products. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BFE, BAFU, Erdöl-Vereinigung, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Jungbluth N. and Meili C. (2018) Life cycle inventories of oil products distribution. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BFE, BAFU, Erdöl-Vereinigung, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Jungbluth N., Wenzel P. and Meili C. (2018) Life cycle inventories of oil heating systems. ESU-services Ltd. commissioned by BFE, BAFU, Erdöl-Vereinigung, Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
Niels Jungbluth, Christoph Meili (2018) Update of the life cycle inventory data for
crude oil and mineral oil products. SETAC Europe 24th LCA Symposium in Vienna, Asssessment of trade, sectors and consumption, Tuesday September 25th, 2018
Paula Wenzel, Niels Jungbluth, Pascal Cretton (2017) Life cycle assessment of the heat supply for a Minergie-P one-family house. Poster elaborated by ESU-services and SEBASOL, Schaffhausen.
Frischknecht R., Stucki, M., Flury K. and Itten R. (2013) Life cycle assessment of amorphous and micromorphous PV modules, 28th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, October 2013, Paris, France.
Müller-Langer F. and Jungbluth N. (ed.) (2013) Biomass to Liquid (BtL), Concepts and Their Assessment. In: Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology (ed. Kaltschmitt M.).
Rolf Frischknecht, and René Itten (2012) Book, trade and claim systems in LCA: how to model certificates delinked from physical flows. 6th SETAC World Congress 2012, Berlin. Presentation and Abstract
Stucki M., Frischknecht R. and Flury K. (2012) The Influence of Market Shifts and Technology Developments on the Environmental Impacts of Photovoltaic Electricity in Central Europe. ESU-services Ltd. 27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 24-28 September 2012, Frankfurt, Germany
Schori S., Frischknecht R., 2012, Life Cycle Inventory of Natural Gas Supply. ESU-services Ltd., Zürich, CH, commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE.
Itten R., Frischknecht R. and Stucki M. (2012) Life Cycle Inventories of Electricity Mixes and Grid. ESU-services Ltd., Uster, Switzerland, download LCI
Flury K. and Frischknecht R. (2012) Life Cycle Inventories of Hydroelectric Power Production. ESU-services Ltd., Uster, Switzerland, download LCI
Itten R., Jungbluth N. and Stucki M. (2011) Life Cycle Assessment of Burning Different Solid Biomass Substrates. im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Energie BfE, ESU-services Ltd., Uster, CH, download LCI.
Stucki M., Jungbluth N. and Leuenberger L. (2011) Life Cycle Assessment of Biogas Production from Different Substrates. im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Energie BfE, ESU-services Ltd., Uster, CH, download LCI.
Frischknecht, R., Büsser, S., Krewitt, W. (2009) Environmental assessment of future technologies: How to trim LCA to fit this goal? IntJLCA volume 14, issue 6, pp. 584 - 588
Frischknecht R., Stucki M. and W. Krewitt, 2009, Meeting the NEEDS of European Environmental Sustainability Assessment : The Case of PV, 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Hamburg
Frischknecht R., 2009, Life cycle based approaches for the assessment of innovative energy technologies, Presentation, ESU-services GmbH, Uster
Frischknecht R., W. Krewitt, 2009, Meeting the NEEDS of European environmental sustainability assessment, ESU-services GmbH/German Aerospace Centre (DLR), Uster/Stuttgart
Frischknecht R., M. Stucki, 2008, IEA-PVPS Task 12: Swiss activities in 2008; Aktualisierung der Ökobilanz von CdTe-PV, in Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009, Bundesamt für Energie, Bern
Niels Jungbluth, "Life Cycle Assessment of Agrofuels: Summary of different case studies and conclusions for private mobility". ETH Zürich, December 2008.
N. Jungbluth: Life Cycle Assessment of Different Pathways of BtL-Fuels from Wood, Straw and Miscanthus. Presentation during the DF 36.
Jungbluth N., Tuchschmid M. and de Wild-Scholten M. J. (2008) Life Cycle Assessment for Photovoltaics: Update for ecoinvent data v2.01
Jungbluth, N. et al. 2008: Life Cycle Assessment of BTL-fuels, Conversion Concepts and Comparison with Fossil Fuels (paper / slides). 16 European Biomass Conference + Exhibition, 2-6 June 2008 Valencia, Spain.
2nd international ecoinvent meeting, 14.3.2008, ETH Lausanne:
Niels Jungbluth, Biomass production: Raw materials for biofuels.
Niels Jungbluth, Energy supply: Photovoltaics.
Rolf Frischknecht, Energy supply: electricity mix updates.
Niels Jungbluth, Bioenergy and biomaterials: Biofuels.
Jungbluth, N., Büsser, S., Frischknecht, R., Tuchschmid, M. 2008: Ökobilanz von Energieprodukten: Life Cycle Assessment of biomass-to-liquid fuels (Ökobilanz der Nutzung von BTL-Kraftstoffen). Programm Biomasse No. 280006, ESU-services Ltd. im Auftrag des Bundesamt für Energie, Bundesamt für Umwelt und Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft, Berne, CH
Jungbluth N. 2007, LCA of imported agricultural products – impacts due to deforestation and burning of residues. International Life Cycle Assessment and Management 2007, Portland, Oregon - October 2 to 4
Niels Jungbluth (2007) Life cycle inventory modelling of biofuels for the ecoinvent database. International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM 2007), Zurich, Switzerland, August 27 - 29
Jungbluth, N., Frischknecht, R., Dones, R. "Life cycle assessment of photovoltaics - Update of the ecoinvent database". Paper / Slides / project info
Jungbluth N., Frischknecht R., Faist Emmenegger M., Steiner R., Tuchschmid M. and Schmutz S. (2007) Life Cycle Assessment of BTL-fuel production: Final Report. RENEW - Renewable Fuels for Advanced Powertrains, Sixth Framework Programme: Sustainable Energy Systems, Deliverable: D 5.2.15. project info with all publications
Jungbluth N., Chudacoff M., Dauriat A., Dinkel F., Doka G., Faist Emmenegger M., Gnansounou E., Kljun N., Spielmann M., Stettler C. and Sutter J. (2007) Life Cycle Inventories of Bioenergy. ecoinvent report No. 17, v2.0. ESU-services, Uster, CH, project info
Niels Jungbluth 2005: "LCI for Photovoltaics in ecoinvent." ES&H meeting, June 8, 2005 Barcelona, update project
Jungbluth, N. 2005: "Life Cycle Assessment for Crystalline Photovoltaics in the Swiss ecoinvent Database." In Prog. Photovolt. Res. Appl., Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons Ltd., update project
Jungbluth, N., Bauer, C., Dones, R., Frischknecht, R. 2004: "Life Cycle Assessment for Emerging Technologies: Case Studies for Photovoltaic and Wind Power." In Int J LCA Vol. 10 (1)
Dones, R., Heck, T., Faist Emmenegger, M., Jungbluth, N. 2004: "Life Cycle Inventories for the Nuclear and Natural Gas Energy Systems, and Examples of Uncertainty Analysis." In Int J LCA Vol. 10 (1)
Setterwall, C., Briem, S., Chataignère, A., Cuperus, M., Frankl, P., Frischknecht, R., Krewitt, W., Boulch, D. L., Viebahn, P. 2004: LCI Methodological Guidelines; Guidelines for LCI of electricity generation systems, with specific reference to new and decentralised systems. ECLIPSE: Environmental and Ecological Life Cycle Inventories for present and future Power Systems in Europe, Stockholm.
Jungbluth, N., Frischknecht, R., Faist Emmenegger, M. 2004: Review of LCA case studies for BTL-fuel production.RENEW - Renewable Fuels for Advanced Powertrains, Sixth Framework Programme: Sustainable Energy Systems, Deliverable: D 5.2.1 ESU-services, Uster.
Frischknecht, R., Faist, M., Jungbluth, N. 2004: LCI Background data; Description and Application in Work Package 3. ECLIPSE: Environmental and Ecological Life Cycle Inventories for present and future Power Systems in Europe, Uster.
Faist-Emmenegger, Frischknecht, Jungbluth 5.12.2003: "Methodology, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Photovoltaic, Solar Collector Systems, Electricity Mixes." In Frischknecht, R. & Jungbluth, N., Special LCA forum "ecoinvent 2000: Results of the harmonization and update of Swiss LCA data". ETH Lausanne. Diskussionsforum
Jungbluth, N. & Frischknecht, R. 13-15.2.2002: "Environmental labelling of green electricity with LCA key parameter models." In Sharma, V. K., International Conference on Ecobalance and LCA. Pages: 136-141, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai, India.
Frischknecht, R., Jungbluth, N., Nauser, M. 2002: "Embodied greenhouse gas emissions in Switzerland: A case study for the trade of energy and food products."
Jungbluth, N. & Frischknecht, R. 15.-18.4.2001: "Combining LCA and the national greenhouse gas inventory to determine the embodied greenhouse gas emissions caused by international trade." In SETAC, 11th SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting. Pages: 79, SETAC, Madrid.
Frischknecht, R. & Jungbluth, N. 15.-18.4.2001: "LCA used in key parameter models for an efficient ecolabelling of green electricity." In SETAC, 11th SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting. Pages: 20, SETAC, Madrid.
Dones R., R. Frischknecht, 1998. Life-cycle Assessment of Photovoltaic Systems: Results of Swiss Studies on Energy Chains, in Prog. Photovolt. Res. Appl. 6, pp. 117-125 (1998), update
Jungbluth, N., Kollar, M., Koss, V., "Life Cycle Inventory for Cooking." in Energy Policy Vol. 25 (5): 471-480, 1997.
Jungbluth, N., Life-Cycle-Assessment for Stoves and Ovens. UNS Working Paper No. 16, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, UNS-ETHZ, Zürich, August 1997.
Jungbluth, N., Data Sources and Data Compilation for the Indian Dataset: Dokumentation for the Indian Database for the Environmental Manual for Power Development. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH Eschborn, 1996. Available with the GEMIS software.
Jungbluth, N., Restricted Life Cycle Assessment for Fossil Cooking Fuels in India. Diplomarbeit, FB Umwelttechnik, FG Umweltchemie, Technische Universität, 125 Pages, Berlin, 12.1995.
Some papers are by courtesy of Int J LCA, ecomed publishers (Verlagsgruppe Hüthig Jehle Rehm GmbH).